(blĕs'ĭng) n. Something promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity; a boon

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Penny pinching

I'm always on the lookout for ways to save some money. I really enjoy The Simple Dollar blog -- there is some great advice and super ideas!

Today's post was especially interesting, I thought.

"For the last few months, my wife and I have been doing something every other weekend or so that we call a “money free” weekend, in an effort to live more frugally. It’s actually quite fun - here’s how we do it.

We are not allowed to spend any money on anything, no matter what. In other words, we can’t make a run to the store to buy food, we can’t spend money on any sort of entertainment, and so on. Since we often do our grocery shopping on Saturdays, on a “money free” weekend, we delay it to Monday or Tuesday.

We can use our utilities, but no extra expenses on these utilities. No renting movies on cable, no text messages that aren’t already covered by our cell phone plan, and so on."

Interesting concept, no? I think it would be harder in a family environment rather than my single life. Then again it would probably be more money-saving too. I'm trying to think if I have done this -- it is entirely possible but I can't think of weekend I didn't pick up some milk, or fill up my tank, or some other errand.

I have really cut back on my entertainment spending. There were two expenditures that kept popping up.
  1. I was spending too much on eating out -- picking up a quick meal. I plan a little bit better and use the foodstuff in my pantry. Imagine that! :-)
  2. I was spending too much on books. This was really hard to give up. But I have. I buy maybe three or four books a year compared with 2-3 books a month. I am using my library and being patient and not buying books as soon as they are published.
I know I still have a ways to go but I think I have a solid start.

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