(blĕs'ĭng) n. Something promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity; a boon

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What's up with that?

A week ago today I was sitting in my living room at ten o'clock in the evening -- with all the windows wide open and as many fans going as possible -- sweating because it was so hot and humid.

Tonight, I am sitting in my living room in sweatpants and a sweatshirt with a quilt covering my lap, most of the windows closed and absolutely NO fans on. It was only in the sixties today . . .

What's up with that?

Last week, during all that heat and humidity, I timed how long it took the ice to melt in my water glass (you would think I have too much time on my hands . . .):

Right out of the freezer:

Five minutes:

Ten minutes:

Fifteen minutes . . . and gone:

Monday, June 29, 2009

Garden walk

This past weekend some family friends had a garden open house. They have one every year but I am always amazed at the beauty I find there.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Little Pea & Little Hoot

I had read a review -- on on of the various book review site I read -- about a series of books written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. It was a glowing review full of praise. But the thing about books reviews is I don't really believe them until I have read them myself! (I know, I'm a little bit crazy.)

The library added the book Duck! Rabbit! -- and may I say it is a completely adorable book! -- and then the series: Little Pea, Little Hoot, and Little Oink . . .

. . . with completely adorable characters: a pea, an owl, and a pig . . .

. . . who have completely adorable dilemas: having to eat vegetables,
to stay up instead of going to bed, and to clean his room!

Little Pea
Amy Krouse Rosenthal
with illustrations by
Jen Corace

Chronicle Books

(Little Pea is my favorite!)

Little Hoot
Amy Krouse Rosenthal
with illustrations by
Jen Corace

Chronicle Books

Little Oink
Amy Krouse Rosenthal
with illustrations by
Jen Corace

Chronicle Books

These books have beautiful illustrations. They are very readable and parents will love them as well as their children!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hot cat?

How do I know the heat wave has broken?

The hot cat moves faster than a slow crawl!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Most visited post

I was manipulating the statistics website analyzing my visitors, pages visited, etc., tonight. I found that the post most visited wast this one.

I'm assume it is because of the art and not the articulate verbiage.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A refreshing slice

I have been drinking a lot of water lately -- it has been so hot. I like a little flavor to my beverages but juice and soda are expensive (and sugary) so I have been adding a slice of lime or lemon along with ice to my glass.

Unfortunately, my lemon (or lime) would go bad quickly. My mom came up with a solution:

Slice the lime(s) and/or lemon(s) and put them on a cookie sheet lined with waxed paper. Put the cookie sheet in the freezer until the slices are slightly frozen. Remove the limes/lemons from the cookie sheet, put them in a freezer bag and return to the freezer.

Simply pull out a slice (or two) when you want a refreshing drink!

Monday, June 22, 2009


When I left work this evening (8pm) it was 93 degrees -- in the shade. And HUMID. Blech.

Thankfully, I work in and air-conditioned environment. And tomorrow is my long day.

Yea! For air-conditioned workplaces!

Friday, June 19, 2009

All around the internet

From my feeds:


I have had a couple pairs of shoes that I wear all the time -- one pair of brown casuals that I wore 85% of the time and a pair of healed black Mary Janes that I wore about 10% of the time.

I had to get some new ones though because both pairs have holes in them now. I wore them out. Last Friday, Mom and I went shopping.

I didn't really expect to find anything but the very first store we stopped -- JCPenney's -- I found them on sale and in the correct size.

I love them! They are so comfortable!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I had another post all planned out for tonight but then I started watching Australia . . .

oh dear . . . a good part . . .

be back tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I was "ma'am"-ed three times today.

I haven't really decided how to feel about that.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Beautiful Browser

So, I came home from work this evening and messed around with my browser a bit. I downloaded a couple of add-ons and prettied up my browser:

Personas changed the look and now I can see pretty flowers in my browser every day or I can change it and see mountains or anything else I'd like to.

Personal Menu turned my File toolbar into lovely icons.

Play time is over for tonight -- off to bed.

Friday, June 12, 2009

A little behind

My only excuse is I haven't been feeling well the past couple days. Today is better -- I just sound like an enormous toad.

Here are a few photos of my Clemantis:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer cold

I think I'm getting a cold . . . I hate summer colds.

I have been drinking liquids all day -- I even had some hot tea tonight. I am going to bed early tonight . . . with some more tea.


Monday, June 8, 2009

In the beginning . . .

My day started out better than normal. I actually got up after only three snoozes . . . showered, ate breakfast, read my e-mail, and had a little time to spare before work.

When I arrived at work, there were a couple of emergency vehicles at the end of the block and my co-worker (she generally opens on Mondays) was walking out of the library. I parked and got out of the car (with my umbrella -- because it was pouring).

I was told that we would be unable to open the library because a construction crew a block away (tearing down the old junior high school building) had hit a gas line and they didn't want anyone in the area.

So I went home to wait.

(Photo courtesy of Kari)

The library opened 2 hours late . . . quite the interesting beginning to my day!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Busy week

Only a couple more days of my busy week. I have worked every day since Monday (and work tomorrow and Saturday). I have helped at Vacation Bible School every evening -- a couple of the nights I didn't get there until the last half hour.

Tomorrow I am working at church as well as the library and Saturday I have a graduation party to attend.

Sunday I will be ready for a LONG nap!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Browser tune-ups

I almost always use Mozilla Firefox as my internet browser -- just my personal preference -- and there are a couple add-ons that I like a lot:

1) Read it later

I love this feature. I am always finding stuff I don't have time to look at right now but I will never find it again or will clutter up my bookmarks and never get deleted.

I just right click on links on my page and choose read it later -- voila -- it is saved in my read it later folder for when I have hours to spend doing nothing. Ha. Okay a couple minutes is all I can spare but I can still read through a couple links and then either bookmark it or ditch it!

2) Smart Bookmarks Bar

I like the clutter-free convenience of this add-on. (My roommate showed me this one.) It condenses the bookmarks you keep on your Bookmarks Bar into their representative icons. When you move your mouse over the bookmark the button expands and allows you to see the entire label.

I can fit a whole lot more bookmarks on my Bookmark bar now. But only if they are really special!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My John Hancock -- well, almost

Pretty, isn't it? I found this site and was playing around with some of the options. It isn't actually my signature because 1) I don't have a scanner hooked up to my laptop 2) I am too lazy to scan and save my signature 3) My signature would not look half as nice as this one 4) Why would I use my own signature? That's just crazy!

Monday, June 1, 2009

One week ago . . .

Last Monday, at the Memorial Day celebration in town, there was a gun team that fired a cannon to call attention to soldiers who were Prisoners of War or Missing in Action.