On Friday, I mentioned something about liking snow. I was extolling the gentle snow, the quiet it brought.
On Saturday we got the snow I don't particularly care for: the sleeting, no wait snowing, sleeting
again? kind.
I was scheduled to work at the library for a couple hours in the afternoon and in the morning I planned to work at church. I knew that if I
drove to work I would
never get my car back in the driveway. So I packed a lunch and my change of shoes and walked to church to work for a couple hours. Then at 12:30 I walked to the library.
Not the easiest of feats as there was a good three inches of wet snow on the ground. But I did make it there
before it started sleeting!
The way home was not so nice. I was walked into the sleety wind (or windy sleet?). Either way it was cold!!
Sunday, I went nowhere -- church was canceled due to the road conditions. So I slept in and did some things around the house (like make cookies -- mmmm). I liked this part. If I never had to go anywhere I would love this weather!
And I am getting exercise walking to and from work -- due to the fact that my car is snowed in.
I did attempt to shovel Sunday -- attempt being the key word as it is very, very difficult to shovel four inches of snow with an inch of ice on top.
Here is my driveway today:
Notice the pits that seem to be covered with snow? Those are my footprints from Saturday. You can't even see where I walked today because I walked on
top of the snow/ice. On the left you'll notice the gravel-like substance where tossed ice melt. It kind of worked. I fell through when I walked on it tonight so the ice melt must be doing something.
It's a little sad for me to think about but the brother is experiencing 70s today -- in Florida.
We're supposed to get more snow here tomorrow.
I hope it is the gently falling, quiet kind . . .